Luisa McLean, DO

Luisa McLean_headshot
What are your career goals?

I will strive to genuinely engage with the community and its resources with the hopes of improving the views on aging; placing emphasis in the opportunities to extend the active, healthy years of life.

What attracted you to the Duke Family Medicine Residency Program?

So many things! To name a few, the community they serve, their faculty and the location.

In your opinion, what makes Duke Family Medicine special?

The people that make up Duke Family Medicine. Duke Family Medicine attracts genuine passionate people who are excited to pursue the optimal delivery of quality healthcare across all communities both locally and globally.

What strengths or skills do you have that could be a benefit to the community?

My first language is Spanish. I hope to increase patient safety and satisfaction by overcoming language barriers in the Spanish-speaking community.

What are you passionate about?

The people's voice and aspirations. I enjoy empowering people to find their voice and follow through with the goals they set for themselves.

What is your hometown?

Winston-Salem, NC and born in Pereira, Colombia.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy running, biking, strength training, and trying new recipes.

If you have lived in the area for awhile, what is the best part of living in Durham/the Triangle?

The diversity! There are pockets of communities from all over the world living in the area which brings a variety of delicious cuisines one can enjoy without having to travel far.

What is something interesting that not many people know about you?

I hope to one day have a garden of fruits, veggies and flowers!

So far, what has surprised you most about Duke?

Duke strives to support your interests and endeavors while ensuring you don't change you who you are as a person.

Education and Training

  • Campbell University, DO
  • North Carolina State University, Bachelors of Science in Biology