What are your career goals?
My career goals include the use of population health management strategies to decrease health disparities, especially in older adult populations, and promotion of research in primary care, particularly in family medicine.
What attracted you to the Duke Family Medicine Residency Program?
The focus on social justice, community engagement, and primary care research attracted me to Duke's Family Medicine Residency program.
In your opinion, what makes Duke Family Medicine special?
The variety of mentors, support, and encouragement for all unique ideas, regardless of how outlandish or impossible they may seem.
What strengths or skills do you have that could be of benefit to the community?
My community-based participatory research experience, masters training, and fluency in Spanish will be of benefit to the community.
What are you passionate about?
Outside of health as a social justice issue and improving the quality of life of older adults, I am passionate about coffee!
What are your hobbies outside of work?
My hobbies outside of work include learning dances from all cultures, attending concerts by local bands, watching stand-up comedy, and traveling.
If you have lived in the area for awhile, what is the best part of living in the Durham/Triangle area?
I moved recently, but I am excited to explore the variety of local restaurants and breweries in the area. There are mountains to hike and beaches to relax in. And it is within driving distance to my family in Florida and Washington, DC.
What is something interesting that not many people know about you?
I danced Flamenco for 12 years.
So far, what has surprised you most about Duke?
The commitment to diversity in its residencies and the collaborative environment across specialties.
Education and Training
Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, MD
Johns Hopkins University, Masters in Applied Science (MAS) in Population Health Management
University of Florida, BS in Psychology and Microbiology