The Department of Family Medicine and Community Health's Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs offer training in providing exemplary patient care and teaching health professions learners, in addition to providing education on many community and population health topics.
  • Grand Rounds, held the second Tuesday of every month (currently virtually via Zoom), is the department's main CME activity, having been approved for 1.0 credits of Category 1, Nursing CE, and Pharmacy CE.
  • Virtual Primary Care Grand Rounds is a partnership between Duke Primary Care and the Duke Department of Family Medicine & Community Health. Talks are focused on topics in primary care, and are held virtually via Zoom on the fourth Wednesday of every month, 7:30-8:15 a.m.

  • Faculty development CME activities may be offered during the FMCH faculty meetings, held the third Wednesday of every month at 8 am (currently virtually via Zoom), with 1.0 credits of CME available for physicians and physician assistants.

  • CME is also offered through the Division of Family Medicine with monthly programs and an annual family medicine CME opportunity at Sea Pines in Hilton Head, SC.

  • CME is also offered through the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine's monthly Employee Occupational Health and Wellness Seminar.

  • CME is also offered through the Division of Student Health on the second Thursday of the month September through May.