
Resident Roundup: Health is Primary event encourages family medicine residents

The Health is Primary campaign made a stop in Raleigh on April 16. Three Duke Family Medicine residents — Aaron George, DO, Farhad Modarai, DO, and Vanessa Solomon, DO — attended the event with program director Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, M.D., and assistant program director Donna Tuccero, M.D.

Resident Roundup: Vanessa Solomon, DO.

As a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and a former osteopathic teaching fellow, entering the allopathic match (National Resident Matching Program) last year instead of the osteopathic match (AOA Intern/Resident Registration Program) could have meant leaving behind my skills and passion for osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT).

Resident Roundup: Farhad Modarai, DO

In many ways, the business world knows more about our patients than we do as health care providers. Businesses know what kind of food their customers buy, how often they fill their prescriptions, their spending patterns, and can often even predict what they will need based on analyzing this data.

Sharon Hull, MD, MPH: Measles vaccination: Individual choice or social responsibility?

So many of us in primary care now work at the juncture of individual, one-on-one patient care and the care of populations and communities that we are acutely aware of the very real issues that happen along that interface. News headlines from the past few months offer an example that many of us must address each day we are in clinic.