The Physician Assistant Education Association Awards Duke Faculty, Staff

By Rhiannon Giles

The Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) recently announced its 2021 award recipients. The association represents all accredited PA programs in the country.   

 Among the winners of this year’s awards are Program Director Jacqueline Barnett, DHSc, MHS, PA-C and Senior Program Coordinator, Kate Holeman, BA.  

 Barnett received the Leadership Development Award, which recognizes “her unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion, the PA profession, and service to others. 

 The PAEA award website captures Barnett’s philosophies in both teaching and leading.  

 “Perhaps most inspiring to those who know Dr. Barnett is her unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion, the PA profession, and service to others. She is known for elevating others, celebrating accomplishments, and honoring diversity within the community.” 

Holeman received the Administrative Support Staff Award, for her “resourcefulness and ability to collaborate with administration, faculty, fellow staff, and students.” 

The PAEA website highlights the way she “re-established clinical year placements after students were pulled off rotations due to Covid-19, engaged in advocacy to secure housing for away rotation sites, and created a personal protective equipment distribution process to ensure that students had needed items for didactic learning activities and patient care.” 

Holeman, who is also a two-time recipient of the Outstanding Staff Award presented at graduation by each outgoing class, says, “I am so humbled and honored to be recognized for this award.  I am truly thankful to be able to work with so many amazing faculty, staff and students.  I enjoy working with the PA students and I try my best to make sure they have the tools and resources to succeed.”  

For more information about the awards and the awardees visit the PAEA website.
