Blake Kruger, MD, MPH

Blake Kruger MD, MPH

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What are your career goals?

I aspire to deliver just, equitable patient-centered care as a physician who provides high-quality HIV care, HCV elimination, and gender-affirming care, all focused on the rural underrepresented.

What attracted you to the Duke Family Medicine Residency Program?

Duke Family Medicine is so supportive in fostering our personal interests, and I have been a fortunate to be in a place that tries its hardest to train full-spectrum Family Physicians, provide LGBTQIA+ & gender-affirming care, and care for those struggling with substance use & its sequelae.

In your opinion, What makes Duke Family Medicine special?

What makes Duke Family Medicine so special are it’s people. I am proud to learn alongside such wonderful co-residents, staff, and mentors; our diverse interests and perspectives provide great opportunities to learn from one another.

What strengths or skills do you have that could be of benefit to the community?

I focus on how we take advances in science and use them to improve how we provide medical care. I have done this in the research laboratory, the community, not-for-profits, and in the startup space. My specific interests in care improvement include addressing social determinants of health, rural inequity in hepatitis C care, and remote patient partnership technologies.

What are you passionate about?

I am particularly passionate about rural healthcare. So many people are not within the reach of larger academic medical centers, and policy changes tend to favor areas with higher population densities, so I hope to spend my career focusing on how we can adapt scientific & policy successes to the rural underserved.

Where is your hometown?

Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

So far, what has surprised you most about Duke?

Truly, Duke Family Medicine has done so much to support me in fostering my individual interests. It is one thing to hear about it from others, but to experience it firsthand was equal parts surprising, exciting, and relieving.